EdNet Agency Ratings

Programme ranking

The Ratings are designed to be used as a point of reference when you start choosing universities. It is the easiest way to compare the institutions you are interested in.
Once you are ready to think about choosing your university, the first thing you will look at is the ranking of your chosen program and which professors are lecturing.
Now you can now visit our Program Rating page to learn more about their programs, facilities and tuition fees.
We will provide you with the most useful information and compare the advantages of universities in our country.
However, it is worth keeping in mind that while ratings can give you an idea of academic strength and job opportunities, they cannot make the decision for you, and it is important to consider other factors when making your decision.
Our Rankings can help you find out more information, compare the advantages and problem areas of different universities, we are only an information assistant, but the decision is yours alone.
There are no bad universities, there is only the desire or unwillingness to learn new things, to study and become a professional