National Ranking of higher education institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic


Rating methodology

The methodology for compiling ratings can vary significantly depending on the organization that compiles them. However, in most cases, rankings are based on the following elements:

      Academic Reputation: An assessment based on surveys of faculty and scholars. This criterion takes into account the opinion of the academic community about the quality of teaching and research activities of the university.

      Reputation among employers: An assessment based on employer surveys about the quality of graduates. Employers assess how well prepared graduates are to work in their companies.

      Scientific publications and citations: The number and quality of scientific publications as well as their citations in scientific journals. This criterion shows how active the university is in scientific research and how much its work influences global science.

      Student Ratio: The ratio of the number of students to the number of faculty members. This is an important indicator, as it affects the quality of teaching and individual approach to each student.

      International cooperation: The number of international students and faculty, as well as participation in international projects. This criterion shows how open the university is to international exchange and cooperation.